أ  – When does ء sit on ا ?

In the beginning of a word

أَكَلَ    أَخَذَ    أَوْ     أُمِرَ 

It stays sitting on ا even when you add a prefix:

يَأْكُلُ     يَأْخُذُ

EXCEPT if the prefix is أ    ☆ Rule:   آ = أ + أ    

٭٭If the alif has kasra, then the hamza will be under the alif:


If the hamza ء and the letter before has fatha ـَ

سَأَلَ    مُـتَأَثِّرَة     تَأَقْلُم

If the hamza ء has sukoon ـْ and the letter before has fatha ـَ

رَأْس    تَأْرِيْخ   يَأْثَم

⭐If the hamza ء has fatha, and letter before has sukoon ـْ

مَـسْأَلَة    جُـرْأَة    مَـرْأَة


ئ  –  When does ء sit on ى ?

ء only sits on ى when it comes in the middle or end of a word AND matches one of the following:

⭐ The hamza ء has  kasra ـِ  (regardless of what the letter before has)

فَائِـز    سُئِـلَ     مُلَائِـم

⭐ The letter before hamza ء has kasra ـِ (regardless of what the hamza has)

بِـئْر    رِئَة    شِـئْتَ

⭐ The letter before hamza ء is يْ  (regardless of what the hamza has)  ***BUT if hamza has no letter after it, it sits alone, with NO SEAT

بِيْـئَة     هَـيْـئَات     شَـيْـئا 


ؤ –  When does ء sit on و?

ء only sits on و  when it comes in the middle or end of a word AND matches one of the following:

The hamza ء  has dhamma ـُ + the letter before it DOESN’T have kasra ـِ OR yaa with sukoon يْ

  رَؤُوْف    مَـاؤُهَا      مَـشْؤُوْم        مَـسْؤُوْل 

The letter before hamza ء has  ْdhamma ـُ  + the hamza DOESN’T have kasra  ـِ

مُؤْمِن   سُؤَال   لُؤْلُؤ


ء – When does ء sit on the line?

ء sits by itself on the line like other letters if:

The hamza ء has  fatha ـَ  + before it comes alif with sukoon  ـا

قِرَاءَة   عَبَــاءَة    تَرَاءَى      

⭐The hamza ء has  fatha ـَ  or dhamma ـُ + before it comes a waaw with sukoon وْ

مُرُوْءَة      تَـوْءَم     ضَـوْءُها

If the hamza ء has  yaa with sukoon يْ  before it + nothing after it (تْ suffix will not affect it. Anything else after it will change its seat to ى )

شَـيْءٌ   رَدِيْءٌ